A turnkey, WIPS compliant application designed specifically for managing H-1B Closing the Skills Gap data and reporting
Ongoing updates for validation & report compliance
Grant updates are constantly monitored and addressed by the AGS team and will be brought to your attention when they occur. The system is monitored and updated regularly.
H-1B PIRL compliant field-level data validation
Using business rules, fields are compliant and proactively prevent bad data by throwing error messages with help text.
WIPS compliant CSV upload file generation
Generating a compliant WIPS file takes 3 clicks and features helpful options to prevent noncompliance like the Data Validation Report.
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Outcome Measures Reporting
Track and manage program effectiveness using the Outcome Measures report. See real-time progress on key metrics by year and draw conclusions about areas for improvement.
Integrated CRM for Employer Outreach
Simultaneously manage apprentice and employer data in the same dual-use system, making it easier to expand employer opportunities.
Participant Self Registration
Enhance your data collection opportunities by providing participant self registration. Once submitted, use system business process to approve new participants.
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Training for system administration and train-the-trainer
We'll set you up for success with live, web-based training with your System Administrator and End User Trainer to ensure proficiency in operating the software and build confidence before teaching it to employees.
Unmetered, on-going System Administrator technical support
We are always willing to help with any administrative technical support issues throughout and after your grant timeline. Give us a call or visit our contact page for more information.
H-1B Closing the Skills Gap focused user group webinars
Participate in regular Closing the Skills Gap user group webinars to ask questions, hear system updates, and have the opportunity to converse with other users.

20 Years supporting USDOL ETA
Our employees are trusted, knowledgeable, and successful at what we do because of our many years in the industry.
H-1B subject matter experts
We specialize in DOL H-1B grant management, guaranteeing valuable experience in all past and future H-1B grants. Our codebook is available to customers for all reports as a reference for compliance and demonstration of our H-1B grant knowledge.
Supporting 30 H-1B grants utilized in over 120 community colleges
We have an extensive, nationwide customer base that is overwhelmingly successful in their grant management using AGS Prime products.